Divorce Lawyer in Oakville
Looking for a divorce lawyer in Oakville with proven experience handling a variety of family law areas? If yes, look no further.
Nachla Law Office is an Oakville, Ontario-based law firm with over 25 years of experience.
We work as a team to give our clients unmatched support, representation, and peace of mind knowing their family law issues (from divorce to child custody and child support, spousal support, property division and more) are handled professionally all in one place.
Benefit from our more than 25 years of experience . Schedule a FREE 15-minute call NOW!. Call: 905-290-1965, email: office@nachlaw.com or visit our family law firm in person (Google Maps).

Oakville Divorce Lawyers: Our Services
We offer a wide variety of Divorce and related Family Law services, including:
1. Cohabitation Agreement
If you are cohabiting with your partner (living together but not legally married), some family law rights/obligations can be triggered with respect to alimony/spousal support. Canadian law treats common-law spouses differently from those that are legally married, the rights and obligations aren’t the same.
Our family lawyers can draft a Cohabitation Agreement that gives both partners peace of mind in regard to what is expected during the relationship in case of a separation, or when one partner predeceases the other.
Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation to understand the financial responsibilities, such as sharing bills and debts, division of assets, and more as stipulated by the laws that apply to common-law relationships.
2. Marriage Contracts
Marriage Contracts (also called prenuptial agreements) are critical for stating how assets will be divided should a couple divorce and how assets will be distributed if one spouse predeceases the other. They also address spousal support. People who have been married before and divorced, and people who have children from prior relationships and are blending families know the importance of having a Marriage Contract that sets out how assets and debts will be divided in case of a separation/divorce or in case one spouse predeceases the other.
Marriage contracts can be made before getting married or after marriage. These contracts override the law. Let us help you make arrangements that suit your family’s needs. Talk to us!
3. Separation Agreements
In Canada, Separation Agreements are legally binding contracts outlining the settlement terms reached between ex-spouses. A typical Separation Agreement will address the following main issues:
a. Child Custody
Separation Agreements clearly set out the Parenting Plan and decision-making responsibilities regarding children. Children may spend approximately equal time with each parent or they can reside primarily with one parent and spend time with the other parent alternating weekends and one or two overnights or evenings each week.
Our divorce lawyers can advise you and craft a Separation Agreement that meets the unique needs of your family and children perfectly.
b. Child Support
Separation Agreements also contain the minimum financial support the parents are legally required to contribute to the care/upbringing of their children.
Our experienced divorce lawyers are ready to provide you with accurate legal guidance on child support calculations in line with your specific situation and taking into account the Federal Child Support Guidelines in Canada. We also represent clients in Court with respect to Child Support. We also provide unbundled services, where we assist you with the preparation of your Court documents and coach you for Court and also for Mediation. Let’s connect.
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c. Spousal Support
After separation or divorce, a common-law spouse or married spouse may be entitled to Spousal Support if there is a disparity between the incomes, or if they are financially dependent on the other spouse. Spousal Support in Canada is a complex issue, dictated by many factors, including the ages of the parties, the length of the relationship, the number of children and the parenting plan, career disruption, and more. We have special software to calculate an appropriate range of monthly or lump sum Spousal Support and to determine the duration of the Spousal Support, in accordance with the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines.
We represent our clients in negotiations aimed at reaching agreeable Spousal Support terms in a Separation Agreement. We also represent clients in Court with respect to Spousal Support. We also provide unbundled services, where we assist you with the preparation of your Court documents and coach you for Court and also for Mediation. Let’s connect.
d. Property Division and Net Family Property Equalization
For married people experiencing a Separation/Divorce, Division of property is a big part of separation agreements.There needs to be a determination on how property, including real estate, pensions, investments, vehicles, and personal belongings will be divided. If there are debts of the marriage, we can help you make arrangements for how these debts will be paid and by whom.
While common-law spouses don’t have property rights per se, there are legal provisions for common-law spouses that we can help you navigate.

4. Uncontested Divorce
If a married couple has no children, it is possible to make an Application for Divorce (Simple), also called an Uncontested Divorce, without a signed Separation Agreement.
If there are children of the marriage, a Separation Agreement or Court Order outlining the parenting plan (Custody and Access), and the Child Support consistent with the Federal Child Support Guidelines is a mandatory condition for the Court to issue a Divorce Order.
In the event that both parties have already agreed on all terms (from child and spousal support to property division), there are no legal issues for a judge to determine. An Application for Divorce (Simple), or Uncontested Divorce is for cases where the only Court Order being requested is a Divorce Order.
Our divorce lawyers are here to handle the legal process of preparing an Application for Divorce (Simple) or Uncontested Divorce, and to obtain a Divorce Order and Certificate for Divorce for you.
5. Contested Divorce
In some cases, separation can result in serious disagreements. We advise our clients that Court is a place of last resort. There are circumstances where out of Court settlements are not possible, and Court litigation is necessary. Our philosophy is that we will settle for you if we can, fight in Court if we have to. We’re by your side.
6. Mediation and Arbitration
We Mediate. Nachla Law Office and Oakville Mediation Centre have experienced Mediators, Dorisa Nachla and Angie Saddler.
Our Divorce lawyers also represent clients in the Mediation process and attend Joint Mediation Sessions with clients. We also offer unbundled services for people who want to attend Mediation on their own without lawyers. We are here to provide Independent Legal Advice along the way, help you prepare for the Mediation sessions, and prepare the Separation Agreement.
Click here to schedule a 15-minute FREE phone call to help you understand your options.
Why is Family Mediation in Oakville a Better Option?
Divorce mediation is an often recommended process option in Family Law because:
- It is cheaper than a court process
- It preserves the privacy and confidentiality of both parties as well as the spousal relationship before and after separation.
- The parties are in charge of the settlement they reach.
- It offers solutions that all parties are likely to follow through to the end
- It is a structured process with clear guidelines when handling the issues at hand and also issues that are likely to come up later, like post-secondary educational expenses for instance
Nachla Law Office: Get the Best Divorce Lawyers in Oakville
Divorce and Family law issues are broad and sensitive. We have very experienced lawyers At Nachla Law Office who are there to give you comprehensive advice not only in Family Law, but also Estates and Real Estate, which are often related to the Family Law issues. This ensures you get the best legal advice and assistance for you in one place and at reasonable expense.
Our legal team also follows strong guiding principles that include handling all our clients with compassion, respect, and kindness. We treat our clients as we would want to be treated. We also advocate strongly for the rights of our clients to the end. These are only some of the reasons why we are so highly recommended.
Book a FREE 15-minute call to discuss anything Family Law, including parenting plans, co-parenting responsibilities, child relocation or child mobility issues, divorce laws in Canada, legal rights of married spouses, family law mediation, and other family law matters with our lead Family lawyer – Our founder – Doris Nachla. Explore the wide range of other legal services we offer.

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